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It's a Funny Old World, Alright

It’s a Funny Old World, Alright


Was it Oswald in the window?

Was it Oswald on the stair?

The War over here

Same as the War over there


It’s a funny old world

It’s a funny old world

And the applause sign is on

And the laughter is high

It’s a funny old world, alright


King at the Lorraine

King saw the sign

And is the Man on the Moon

Equal to the man on the cover of Time?


It’s a funny old world

It’s a funny old world

And the curtain is closed

And it’s time for a flight

It’s a funny old world, tonight


RFK in the race

Sirhan in a trance

And is the world spinning too fast

To ask that polka dot girl for a dance?


It’s a funny old world

It’s a funny old world

And the stage has gone cold

And the lights are all dead

And it’s a funny old world, my friend


Was it Oswald in the window?

Was it Oswald on the stair?

Is the War over here

Equal to the War over there?


It’s a funny old world

It’s a funny old world

And the applause sign is on

And the laughter is high

It’s a funny old world, alright


natural cause personal cause lost cause just cause probable cause: the website of author greg r. parker