Every now and again I search the web for any new stories on Lee Harvey Oswald – especially around the date of the assassination anniversary. This year, I was a bit late in doing a search but hit paydirt anyway. The first story that came up was one by John Rubbick, published by that bastion of reactionary screeds, Spectator Australia.
Why did No One See this Train Coming?
It has been widely reported that the Train brothers had been taking ice and “bragging” to locals about how they were “fortifying” their remote property. One train family member even described the situation at the property as “cult” like.
The Oz 2022 Federal Election Unofficial Guide
The Coalition The Coalition consists of the Liberal and the National Parties (together, these are the mouthpieces and public faces of the Coalition), the Non-Renewable […]
NSW Seniors Card “Special Offer” Scams
As a holder of a NSW Seniors Card, I opted in to receive “special offers”. Most of these offers revolve around buying bulk wine via […]
Adventures in Twitterland
While Moaner Lisas and Sad Sackers Kids of spoilers and detractors Turn around and say good morning to the night For unless they see the […]
Universal basic income gains support during the pandemic | World Finance
It is now well understood that this pandemic has exposed the weaknesses in our ecomonic systems as well as in our supporting infrastructure. It was […]
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